
The Developing Manager Assignment Level 5


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The developing manager is the overall concept which describes the many ways in organizations. A Manager of an organization leads many departments and each department have their own manager to handle all tasks ensuring the efficient employees work. In this report, Hellenic Hotel of London appoints managers who bring opportunities (Bolden, 2016). It includes various management skills and leadership characteristics along with communications processes adopted in any organization.  On the other hand, management performance and their personal strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Set objectives and targets to develop own potential. This report also includes the managerial decisions and recommendations for improvement and put light on personal skills to support career development. This report's main aim is to define a manager's developing personality in an organization.


1.1 Different Management Styles

In an organization, every manager has their own different style to handle employees. These various ways to handling and dealing the subordinates the workplace is called management styles. Hellenic Hotel London manager also handles the entire task. In the organizations in organizations managers work within in different styles-

There are many management styles used which are as follows:

  • Autocratic- In tourism industry, Hellenic Hotel, London managers tells all employees about the works assigned to them. If employees fail to fall in line, then they help to solve their problems and also motivate them. Autocrat ice style of manager helps employees to do specific tasks and also encourages them for work.
  • Consultative- This is the one of the best style to consult with their worker. They seek employees' feedback before making decisions. This style makes better relationship with their customers.
  • Persuasive- This style refers to control important making decisions. This is more attractive style of Hellenic hotel managers. In this style, a managers create plan and successfully explain to their employees (Hunt and Weintraub, 2016).
  • Democratic- In this style, a manager work together and create vision. He includes opinions of employees and makes successful plans. For this style Hellenic hotel defines increasing their growth to make strategic plan.
  • Laissez-fair- This style Hellenic hotel mangers role as more mentors than a manager does. Leader gives opportunities to their employees to need space to be creative. Manager give full pace to their employees to improve their knowledge about the work and their styles.
  • Chaotic- In this style, manager control their employees without putting specific structure in place for decision-making. This work mainly done in specific situations. When organizations employees work in team on the projects.

1.2 Characteristics of leaders-

Characteristics of managers at Hellenic Hotel of London are defined by various qualities needed to be a good leader to handle all tasks honestly and also handle each task according to organizations (Perlmutter, 2017).  Every leadership has different quality and a good leader has a futuristic vision and idea to attain success These are following characteristics of good leadership-

  • Honesty and Integrity- He must be honest and accept the same from form his employees. Honesty and integrity makes good leadership.
  • Confidence- A good leader has to be confident in any situations. A good leader has to make decisions confidential. A Hellenic hotel manager gave quality to handle all the work confidently and they also appreciate their employees to do each task with confidence.
  • Inspire others- A leader has quality to in spire others. Hellenic hotel managers have quality that their employees inspire to being like their manger. Hotel manager personality inspires their employees to behave like that and also being become like that.
  • Commitment and passion- Hellenic hotel manager have passion to handle the entire situation. They being passionate about their work and manager also motivate their employees to achieve goals in organizations.
  • Good communicator- A good leader must be a good communicator. Hellenic hotel leaders have characteristics to communicate with their employees to good mannerly. They also communicate with their customer sot politely so they attract with their organizations (Isaak, 2016).
  • Decision-making capabilities- Good leader have quality to take stellar decision in company. Hellenic hotel leader has rights to take strategic and major decision for the organisation and they also have quality to take risk in to make successful enterprise.

1.3 Communication process in selected business:

Communications process in business send the important information to other organizations also ensures the transmitting information is understood by receives or not. In the Hellenic hotel mangers ensure the all booking and other details are properly sent to the customer not. Managers main work to understood the what information are sent to their customers and information are transfers is rights or not. Hellenic hotel manager department take responsibilities to communications process to more effective which is improved their hotel reputations also tell about the hotel facilities which is attracted to customers. In tourism industry communications process are different with organisation because managers only give specific information to hotels and services. The main process of communications is first to taking account of the receivers and select the methods to send data like telephones, emails, SMS etc. then aware how noise can distort the message and also ensure the feedback format clients and again provide information to the receivers. This communication helps to the mangers understood what requirements customer's wants and manager provide that type of services to their customers. Communications process in Hellenic hotel with managers and employees or employees to customer is verbal and no verbal forms. All those type of communications provide specific information to the customers. In other hands communications process in tourism industry Hellenic hotel manager also ensures information is transmitting is real and according to their hotel functionality (Chaudhri, 2016). Communications also involve the paper work. It includes letter sent to the manager for important information which is not communicated in verbal forms. It also includes the information which personally send to the manager is about the hotel and about the employee's problems. This process includes if any employees have problems they share their information to write letter to the manager personally.

1.4 Organisational culture and change in business

            To change organizational culture this is the one of the most task for the leaders. Is this because organizational culture comprises a set goals. Roles, values, processes, communications practice. Those are well set elements in organizations and to make changes in this is most major task for any leader. In Hellenic hotel leaders to change their organizational culture they have quality such as-

  • Management power- Hellenic hotel leader have power to rearrange all the functionality of hotel. Manger set new rules for the task also change all the services which is not working to maintained growth of the organizations. Manager ensure all the departments service like front office department, housekeeping department receptionist etc. to changing organizational culture large-scale undertaking and eventually all the reorganizational tools changing the minds which is need to be put in play (Landsberg, 2015).
  • Leadership power- leadership power includes the set new vision of the organizations. In Hellenic hotel leadership make future plans for the hotel to changes their locations where more customers are coming to enjoying hotels facilities or make strategic decision so managers retain their customer to long time.
  • Power tools - In this tool's manager examines their organizations threats and also create more services which attract customers most. In the tourism industry the main threats are their competitors. Leaders for changing organizational culture learn from their experience and other mentors, peer's expert. In Hellenic hotel main threats their competitors give challenges to increasing their work personality. To changes organizational culture mangers, make new rules for their employees and also they change their hotel interior and also change their hotel staff. Which is work better according to other organizations.    


2.1 Own management skills performance:

Management skills determines the managerial skills involve decision-making, delegating, planning and communications or time management. Good manager is good leader. Manager skills understand employees related problems. Manager looked area of finance accounting and communications department etc. As Hellenic hotel manager my skills involve both decision making and problem solving and skills have planning and motivations to employees. The following management skills of my performance-

  • Management and leadership skills- As a manager at Hellenic hotel my skills are to manage all the staff members position and manage their work according to their positions. I also appoint new employees who take my hotels housekeeping department and ensure they work together or not. As a hotel Hellenic manager I take all the responsibilities for all the department of the hotel and ensure al the works are complete according to hotel, service.
  • Communications skills- As Hellenic hotel manager I understand the effective manager have skills to communicate their clients to very intelligently and also communicate with their employees to create presentations where every topic shared by the all staff members of the hotels (Devonish, 2017).
  • Collaborations skills- As Hellenic hotel manager position I understand the manager have skills to developing and collaborating style of each employees and also every the all style members the personal skills.
  • Critical thinking skills- As a hotel mangers position I understand the in critical conditions managers solved problems of all the staff members and also research on hotel marketing techniques form that most of the customers are come in their hotel and enjoying hotel facilities.
  • Finance skills- The main skills of as a Hellenic hotel manager I understand manager have financial skills which helps to understand d the all the financial conditions of hotel like investment and other funds which are coming to the organizations.

2.2 Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

This section is to undertake a SWOT analysis of my own to determine the strengths and weaknesses of mine, along with the upcoming threats and opportunities, as illustrated below-

Strengths- This is especially on examining the aforesaid managerial skills, in whose accordance, I believe to have effective skills of communication (Ginter, 2018). This is also due to my considerate interpersonal skills that supports me to communicate well with others and work in a collaborative manner. Apart from this, my critical skills also assist me in resolving the issues concerning my team members and keep them contented at work. My managerial as well as leadership skills also helps me in encouraging the teammates to work collectively for better outcomes.

Weaknesses- On considering the above demonstrated skills, I have found to have some weak skills of finance that hinders my indolent in the financial decisions of the organisation. I myself want to improve this skills of mine with considerate activities for the same. Beside this, I aim to become more up to date with whatever is going on in the market in regard to the advancements.          

Opportunities- This is on referring to the upcoming opportunities at the workplace in context to my work as a manager where after getting updated about the continual advancements in the market, I am aspiring to take part in such some decisions at the workplace that regards the need of bringing some required changes (Watson, 2018). It is with a special consideration of my chosen sector of hospitality, that reveals constant variations in the existent preferences of the customers. This in turn necessitates us to consider the same and make accordant changes in the presently undertaken measures.          

Threats- A vital threat that has been identified over here is mainly in context to the exaggerating level of competition in the market. This has duly compelled the organisations like Hellenic hotel to take assistance of some major innovational approaches to beat such intense state of competition. Other than this, at my personal level, the new comers can become a vital threat for me for being more updated of the recent market trends.  

2.3 Prioritise objectives and targets to develop your own potentials:

This is mainly on considering the above undertaken analysis of my own strengths and weaknesses and accordingly determining the upcoming threats and opportunities, I am hereby required to prioritize some specific objectives as a way of developing my own potentials. This will not only assist me to achieve my aspired position in the organisation, but will also lead to my continuous growth to succeed growing in the future. A foremost objective in this context to improve my skills of time management and get more updated about the market trends that often changes on continual basis.     


3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve an agreed goal or objective:

This is mainly in accordance to the chosen case where I am working in the post of manager in Hellenic Hotel and is responsible to handle a team. In addition to this, I am together required to manage the available resources and plan such activities that helps me to keep my team motivated and encouraged towards the work. This also comes with a major responsibility of assisting them to attain both their personal as well as professional goals. This in turn has acknowledged me to use the 2 main approaches namely, team building and motivation, as stated below-

  • Team building- This specifies the foremost necessity of having a knowledgeable team who is aware of the tasks that are being assigned to them and perform in accordance to the benchmarked standards. On considering this, I will thereby refer to develop such a team which has continuous access to regular sessions of training and development that will not only contribute to their professional goals but will also help them to attain their personal agendas. It will automatically keep them satisfied and retained for a longer time period. Also, I will be aware of my team's efficiency and the efficient people in it.     
  • Motivation- This is yet another vital approach that intends to work with a motivated team and necessitates me to boost their morale and keep them engaged. Herein, I will refer using the Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs and accordingly take the decisions for them. It will also need me to communicate the same to the upper authorities who are concerned about the salaries and other monetary benefits to take accordant decisions related to the rewards and wages of my team members.       

3.2 Managerial decisions made to support achievement of agreed goal or objective and recommendations for improvements:

Managerial decisions are made main role in organizations because they are take strategic decision which is improved all the organizational functions. I have various decision to make operational and functional process effective. From my opinion in decision making and achieving goals organizations. Their following objectives to take decisions in organizations.

  • Strategic planning- To developed and run organizations it's important to make planning and involves operational activities. To developed strategic planning, I will analyse the all Hellenic hotel issues and their performance. And I will also undertake the customer's opinion about the hotels services and their products. It's important to understand what customers react hotels facilities which defines the manager's performance according to the organizations.
  • Relationship building- In the hospitality industry I understand the relationship between staff and manger plays vital role in hotel industry. Manager who make relationship with each staff members and also make better facilities. For those purpose I will conduct a meeting to understand each and every staff member's ideas and also take opinion s to each members. Benefit of meeting staff member also shared personal problems and I match those problems to customer's problems and make plan to solve them provide better services to each staff members and as well customers (Bagley, 2015).

Recommendation- For recommendations managers always focus on customers' needs and their services. And also provide training and development facilities. Manager also provide good environments to their employees and also get time to time feedbacks form the customers to identifying issues and make plane to resolve the problems as soon as possible. In additions Hellenic hotel also ask customers to give suggestion to provide better quality services.


4.1 Own managerial and personal skills will support career development:

I have to develop myself as an upper level manager in this career where currently I am posted in the profile of a manager at Hellenic hotel. In hospitality industry, there exist many such opportunities that assists the aspirants like us to gain higher and better positions by taking the responsibilities of the organisation. For this purpose, it is crucial for me have some effective managerial skills that will contribute me to get a position in the top management of the cited form that is operating in such a dynamic sector of hospitality industry. Below are the following skills that are required to perform well in a leadership position:

  • Communications skills- To work in the Hellenic hotel as a manager I need to possess quality skills of both oral and written communication to attend the visitors approaching the hotel. I also have the responsibility of communicating with my team that is directly being handle by me and I am the foremost responsible person to allocate the work to them. In context to customer, me and my team members are required to understand the factual needs and requirements of the approaching clients and customers to provide the exact services, they are demanding for. My responsibility as a manager at the hotel is to interact with each and every customer as well as team member in a respectful manner.
  • Leadership- This is basically to gain a higher position in the organisation, I am required to have effective skills of leadership to perform in exceptionally. I hereby believe to have effective skills of leadership due to my vast experience in handling teams and interact with them on regular basis. Constant updations will hereby assist me to continue succeeding in this profile and achieve the desired position.   
  • Time management- Time management plays a vital role in not only one's professional life but in personal life, as well. In professional context and my role in the establishment, it is specially in regard to provide timely delivery to the clients and fulfil their services exactly as per their defined needs and requirements. Although, I do not possess effective skills of time management and hereby lacks in managing my work, quite often. This is the major loophole that I need to rectify to the earliest possibility.     
  • Adaptability- This is mainly on considering the dynamic environment of hospitality sector that directly shows the need of continual changes in the undertaken approaches. It is in context to the changing desires of the customers that is needed to be satisfied by the organisation operating in such an ever changing industry of hospitality. I am hereby required to understand such variations in much efficient manner to quickly respond to the changes and instruct the team about the same. It will not only help me to contribute in the decision making procedures, suggesting effective measures, but will also help me to combat the state of resistance in many employees towards any proposed change.   

4.2 Review career and personal development needs and future needs to produce development plan

Below is the career development plan that is framed on considering my personal as well as professional needs and future aspirations-  


 Actions taken


Communications skills

·       This being one of the foremost requirement to perform well and in a competent manner, I will hereby refer to improve my written skills of communication.

·       Despite of having good skills of verbal communication, it will assist me to give presentations and participate in meetings and seminars, etc.

·       For this, I will refer taking assistance of some online tutorials and strengthen my basic skills of grammar and vocabulary, etc.      

 I will hereby take a time of 2 weeks to improve upon my written skills of communication.

Leadership skills

·       Although, I believe to have effective skills of leadership and management, I am looking forward to become more effective in this area by being more thorough in the process of decision making and contribute well.

·       For this, I will refer to take part in the regular sessions of training and meetings to interact more and understand the critical requirements that often reflects the main agenda of the meetings.       

 For this, I will take a time of around 4 weeks.

Time management skills

·       This being one of the most important skill and my weak area, I require some serious improvements over here.

·       It is mainly to manage both of my team's as well as my own work.

·       For which, I will hereby refer using some effective tools of planning before starting my work and note the progress of such kind of tracking.

·       In addition to this, I will also refer to prioritize my work and   schedule the same in a specific sequence.     

I will hereby refer to take the time of 1 month.


In this above report concluded the manager tool or the organizations which handle all the responsibilities of the organizations. And manage all the functionality of the tourism department. In this report concluded the Hellenic hotel London managerial style with my own experience, it defines the skills and characteristics of managers and communication process in the organizations and manager's weakness, strengths and opportunities threats to target objectives to develop own potential (Dale, 2015). In this above report also define how mangers are motivated their employees in organisation and how to improve goals to achieve in organisation. This report also explains all the personal skills or managers which helps develop career development planes and also include the future development planes.     



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  • Dale, B., 2015. Total quality management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Devonish, D., 2017. Managers' perceptions of mental illness in Barbadian workplaces: an exploratory study. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. 12(3). pp.161-172.
  • Ginter, P.M., 2018. The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hunt, J.M. and Weintraub, J.R., 2016. The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business. Sage Publications.
  • Hunt, J.M. and Weintraub, J.R., 2016. The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business. Sage Publications.
  • Isaak, R., 2016. The making of the ecopreneur. In Making Ecopreneurs (pp. 63-78). Routledge.
  • Isaak, R., 2016. The making of the ecopreneur. In Making Ecopreneurs (pp. 63-78). Routledge.
  • Kauppila, O.P. and Tempelaar, M.P., 2016. The SocialCognitive Underpinnings of Employees' Ambidextrous Behaviour and the Supportive Role of Group Managers' Leadership. Journal of Management Studies. 53(6). pp.1019-1044.
  • Landsberg, M., 2015. The Tao of coaching: Boost your effectiveness at work by inspiring and developing those around you. Profile Books.
  • Perlmutter, H.V., 2017. The tortuous evolution of the multinational corporation. In International Business (pp. 117-126). Routledge.
  • Watson, D.H., 2018. Managers of discontent. Routledge.
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